Bio Green Maxitom Plant Tower twin pack offers more value than the single pack and is perfect for growing all climbing plants with easy mounting, 16 Litre container volume and 2 litres of water storage. 105cm high with three ring supports for perfect stability.
Why not opt for one of our living gifts. What you get will be a surprise, but they all make lovely presents, so you can't go wrong! Worth over 17.00. Please note Image is for illustration purpose only.
The beautiful Peace Lily, otherwise known as 'Spathiphyllunm', bears glossy green leaves and pure white, sail like flowers. This easy to care for houseplant should give you many years of pleasure! This lovely plant will also improve your indoor air q
Avidly sought by the Victorians in the mid to late 1800s, Masdevallias are once again in the spotlight. A stunning indoor orchid from Ecuador and Peru, it's a prolific bloomer, with unusual, tube like orange flowers, and is sure to be a real talking