This Unique Variety Is A Cross Between Pumpkin Crown Prince And A Butternut Squash And Has Inherited All The Best Qualities From Each. The Orange Flesh Is Aromatic With A Very Sweet Flavour And Is Excellent When Roasted. Good For Storage Too.
The most common hedging plant of the Laurels is Cherry Laurel and it's not the country's biggest selling hedge plant species without good reason! Cherry Laurel is a fast growing hedge without being a bully, with large, glossy bright green leaves, is
The most common hedging plant of the Laurels is Cherry Laurel and it's not the country's biggest selling hedge plant species without good reason! Cherry Laurel is a fast growing hedge without being a bully, with large, glossy bright green leaves, is
The most common hedging plant of the Laurels is Cherry Laurel and it's not the country's biggest selling hedge plant species without good reason! Cherry Laurel is a fast growing hedge without being a bully, with large, glossy bright green leaves, is