You can now enjoy true year round interest with vibrant flower colour, brightly coloured berries and stems, tactile bark and wonderfully fragrant flowers simply brilliant value for money compared to expensive potted garden centres shrubs. These 12 tried and tested garden winners will fill any gaps you might have in your existing beds and borders or allow you to plant a new one from scratch, with each individual shrub having the potential to fill 1m2 circa 10ftsq. Once planted they will rapidly grow away and look tremendous from this year onwards, providing a stunning visual display and a degree of privacy and security for you, as well as a natural safe haven for a wide variety of wildlife. The berries will provide much needed winter food for wild birds and the shrubby structure will provide cover and protection for them too. Varieties Included Symphoricarpos albus Known as the 'Common Snowberry' for obvious reason! The berries provide much needed winter food for wildlife. Height 3 4ft.Syringa vulgaris The common Lilac produces fragrant lavender coloured blooms each May. Hardy and deciduous and great for hedging, it grows to 10 15ft tall.Cornus alba The 'Red Barked Dogwood' provides fantastic autumn colour with its bright red vertical branches. In summer it leafs up and even has soft pink flowers in mid summer. Height 3 4ft. Potentilla 'Red Ace' Beautiful scarlet red flowers all summer long, contrast wonderfully with rich green foliage! Height 2 3ft.Hibiscus syriacus Blue Exotic yet hardy! Torrents of lavender blue flowers each summer! Height 4 5ft. Spirea douglasii Part of the rose family, it is often know as the 'Rose Spirea'. Easy to grow with masses of pretty pink flowers in early summer. Perfect for small spaces height 3ft Forsythia intermedia 'Spectabilis' Literally one of the most spectacular early season shrubs because of its bright yellow bloom. Perfect for hedges and really easy to grow. Height 4 5 ft. although can be trimmed in to a tidy hedge. Hypericum moserianum 'St John's Wort Lush green foliage and pretty, bright yellow flowers all summer long. Perfect for a sunny or part shaded position. Height 3 4ft. Deutzia scabra Also Known as the Fuzzy Deutzia, this native of Japan ampamp China grows to around 8ft tall and smothers itself in pure white fragrant flowers in June. Berberis thunbergii 'Atropurpurea' A great hedging plant because of its spiky branches, but also a beautiful garden plant. The yellow flowers appear in late spring and the purple foliage provides lovely autumn colour. Height 3 4ft. Philadelphus coronarius Commonly known as the 'Mock Orange' it will be clothed in a profusion of creamy white flowers throughout June ampamp July. The flowers are fabulously fragrant. Height 5 6ft.Weigela rosea A lovely garden shrub, with fabulous pink flower colour in May, June and July. Height 3 4ft. 'We ordered the collection of 12 shrubs back in MarchApril as we have a large garden which was just lawn. We had previously purchased 2 shrubs from a garden centre that cost more than the 12 we bought from you. We thought if half survived, it would be worth the money but all 12 have thrived and a few have over taken the ones from the garden centre. The Spirea has even flowered, the Ribes has grown about 24 in these few months. What a bargain for these shrubs, yes its worrying when they turn up all bare but if regularly watered, they soon spring to life.' ZR, Southend, July 2014
Simple to grow hardy Bearded IrisIris Germanica, or Bearded Iris, are simple to grow, hardy and drought resistant. They offer fantastic value, as they will readily multiply, flowering in the Spring and early Summer, and some even following with a sub
A huge Bumper collection of a massive 501 Autmn Planting Bulbs, which will creates drifts of bright and bold Spring colour next year and for many years to come. Enough for masses of pots, borders and beds plant lot together on groups of 5 or 10 for m
Like many things in America, it seems the bigger, bolder and braser the better! And the same is true of Jumbo Flowered American Fuchsias a must for every summer flowering display! So many keen gardeners consider any hanging basket incomplete without