Developed by James Wong This exotic Incan vegetable is possibly the most flavourful and versatile of all salad crops, and one that will grow almost anywhere you like. An almost inexhaustible supply of peppery leaves, watercress flavoured flower and crisp seed pods.Possibly the most flavourful and versatile of all salad crops, and one that will grow almost anywhere you like.Unfairly relegated to the flower border for over a hundred yearsHarvest June October.Despite being possibly the most flavourful and versatile of all salad crops, and one that will grow almost anywhere you like, this exotic Incan vegetable has been unfairly relegated to the flower border for over a hundred years. Yet give it a chance in your veg patch and it will adorn your beds with an almost inexhaustible supply of peppery leaves, watercress flavoured flowers and crisp seed pods for literally months on end.