Slug And Snail Copper Tape Will Protect Your Pots, Planters And Greenhouse Staging From Marauding Slugs And Snails Its The Go anywhere Alternative To Slug Rings And Slug Traps. Supplied In A 4m Roll 28mm Wide Plenty To Kit Out All Your Garden Pots For A Full Season. The Sticky backed Slug Copper Tape, Which Features A Serrated Edge, Gives Both Slugs And Snails Serious Problems As They Try To Cross A Toxic Reaction Occurs Between The Metal And The Mucus Slugs And Snails Produce To Move, Giving Any Attempted Raiders An Unpleasant Electric Shock Sensation And Sending Them Slithering Back To Munch On Less Well protected Plants!slug And Snail Copper Tape Sold In A 4m Rollcopper Tape Is 28mm Wideself adhesive Backingcopper Material Causes An Unpleasant Shock like Sensation When Slugs Attempt To Crossideal For Placing Around Legs Of Greenhouse Staging Or Benchingserrated Edge For Extra Mollusc Defencepots, Planters And Containers Can Also Be Fortified Against Attackuse On Legs Of Obelisks pictured To Stop Slugs Climbing Up